Social Anxiety and Social Motivation in People with Fragile-X Syndrome
What is the study about? We are interested in identifying and defining anxiety in people with fragile X syndrome. We are particularly interested in looking at both socially anxious and socially motivated behaviours and how these may be associated with fragile X syndrome or co-occurring autism. We are also interested in piloting a new anxiety measure, the ClASP-ID, and seeing how anxiety may be linked with poor sleep and challenging behaviours.
Who can take part? People with fragile X syndrome, with and without anxiety, who are at least 5 years old and their parents/caregivers.
What does it involve? Participation involves one in-person session, which will include behavioural and physiological (wearing a heart rate monitor) assessments, clinical interviews, and parent-report questionnaires. The study will take approximately 5 hours to complete. You can visit us at the University of Warwick or Aston University, or we can visit you at your home.
How can I take part? Please contact Kayla Smith (kayla.smith@warwick.ac.uk) or Jessica Mingins (jming18@aston.ac.uk) if you are interested in participating or would like to discuss the study in more detail.
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