The Be-Well Checklist can help parents, carers, and professionals to reduce behaviours that challenge and improve the wellbeing of people with learning disability and neurodevelopmental conditions, and can be found here:
For more information and advice on sleep you may find it helpful to check out the sleep advice service from Cerebra:
For more information and advice on pain you may find this Cerebra guide helpful: https://cerebra.org.uk/download/pain-a-guide-for-parents/
For more information and advice on sensory processing you may find this Cerebra guide helpful: https://cerebra.org.uk/download/sensory-processing/
For more information and advice on behaviours that challenge you may find this Cerebra guide helpful: https://cerebra.org.uk/download/factsheet-managing-challenging-behaviour/
For more information and advice on anxiety you may find this Cerebra guide helpful: https://cerebra.org.uk/download/anxiety-guide-a-guide-for-parents/
It is important for parents / carers to look after their own well-being. This Cerebra guide and personal wellbeing plan provides information, resources and guidance:
For information on how and why autism or related characteristics might occur in individuals with genetic syndromes its relation to assessment and intervention you may find it helpful to check out this research summary from Cerebra: